Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mission team in Jamaica; Day 4


Today we had planned a fun day at YS Falls.  We ate our Jamaican breakfast buffet of eggs, toast, fruit and juice, and then made out way to the vans for the drive to the falls.  When we got there, we took the jitney tractor to the falls.

A couple of the girls camped out by the swimming pool.  Some of us climbed the falls.  And others hung out in the cold spring fed pool at the bottom.  A bunch of us took advantage of the zip line through the rain forest canopy, which was exciting.  Bruce and few of the kids jumped off the rope swing into the deep water in one of the pools of the falls, climbing back up the ladder over and over again.  After everyone had their fill, we climbed on the tractors back to the parking lot, got our hungry group something to eat, and then went back to Negril.

Driving in Jamaica always seems to take longer than you plan for.  We got back to town just in time for the community game night that we had planned at the church.  When we got there, we set up some tables and chairs, Richard turned on some music, and people started to file in.

We had brought American games along to play with our new Jamaican friends.  Some of the girls taught a group of kids how to play Uno in the middle of the floor, a couple of intense games of chess were going on in one corner, and Bruce and Philip had a fierce ladder ball competition going in another part of the room.  We blew up some balloons that became an instant hit with both kids and adults.

Nicola, Ms. Pat and a few other ladies made us some wonderful authentic Jamaican snacks.  The music was loud, the atmosphere was fun, and the food was delicious.  We made many new friends that night and shared a little of both American and Jamaican cultures.  We played until very late and we were all exhausted!

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