Of course we did! We briefly shared what we knew up to that point, and told folks that if they had any questions or wanted to know more, to find us after the service. Many did. Several had tears in their eyes. Each had their own story to share with us of adoption or Jamaica or just feeling like God is tugging at their hearts to do something...more.
We took names and contact information and went home. The next day, Bruce had a meeting at the church. One of the office staff interrupted him to give him a phone message for us from someone who is interested in getting involved. Then she asked where to put the money that was going to start coming in. We had completely forgotten that the service is broadcast on the radio each Sunday, too!
Later on that week, I got an email from my friend, Shauna. She told me that her friend, Linda, has been working in Jamaica for many years and gave me Linda’s email address and phone number. I connected with Linda and asked her if we could get together and talk. As it turns out, Linda lives in Selma, Indiana, which is only a short drive from us!
We drove over to their house and Linda welcomed us into her living room. Then she started sharing her story. Linda started the Jesus for Jamaica ministry more than 25 years ago. She has done so many amazing things with and for the people of Jamaica. And guess what Linda has a vision to do next....are you ready for this?...start an orphanage!
Linda and her husband, Mel, are very busy people who told us that at one time they had as many as a dozen full and part time jobs yet they have found the time to build and start a school, have built numerous houses, started a medical clinic, a couple of soup kitchens, and I'm sure there's so much more that I haven't even heard about yet. And, of course, they have done lots and lots of outreach.
As we sat there talking with Linda and Mel, it occurred to me how much alike the four of us are - Linda and Mel, and Bruce and me. Linda and I sat on the edge of our seats listening intently, telling each other our stories, and at times couldn’t talk fast enough! Mel and Bruce sat quietly next to us, just taking it all in, chiming in with a supportive “oh sure” and “yes, that’s great” every so often.
As I read through Linda’s book, I found that although she is older than I am, we have had many similar experiences. (But you wouldn’t know it to look at her or talk with her. She has an amazing amount of energy and I think she is just repeating her 30's over again!) I am sure that God has brought this lady into our lives to serve as our mentor in some ways. Linda has generously opened up her home in Jamaica to us and we will spend a part of our time there next week. She has connected us with her friends who have graciously agreed to show us around, help us look for property, and introduce us to people in the area.
But Linda wasn’t sure that we would ever meet. You see, someone from our church who heard us talk on Mother’s Day morning called Linda and told her about us. She looked me up and tried to contact me by email. She sent a message to Jennifer Everett (with no “s”), math teacher at Yorktown High School. If you know me, you know that I’m not a math teacher. And will never be. Ever. Linda wondered why I didn’t respond!
Every day God opens up a new door and we make a new connection. I told Linda the other day that I'm pretty sure that we need a plane. We need a way to get people and supplies back and forth. Do you want to hear the story about how that's going to materialize? Me, too! I can't wait to share with you what happens tomorrow!
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