We drove to the beach for breakfast, said good-bye to the dog that followed us around all week who we named “Gesundheit” because he kept sniffing up the sand and then sneezing. We said good-bye to our reggae musician friends, Vin and Leroy. We went across the street to the mall and found Patrice and said good-bye to her, too. Then we started off for the airport.
I’ve felt a sadness since yesterday about leaving to go home. But we know that we will be back to this beautiful country and these sweet people soon. And I am way too excited to see what God has in store for us on this journey to waste time being sad. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!
As we were on the plane coming home and I was looking out over the big puffy white clouds, the verse that I keep hearing from Hebrews popped into my mind: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”
Yes, run with endurance until we can get back to Jamaica and the plan God has for us.
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